119th Grand Court Session
Soaring High
May 21-22, 2021
Holiday Inn Hartford • Downtown Area
100 East River Drive
East Hartford, CT 06108
Phone: 860.528.9703
Grand Court Banquet
to be held at
The Promenade at Chowder Pot IV
165 Brainard Road, Hartford, CT
Hotel Reservations - April 18, 2021
Make by following the link: Hotel Reservations and use Group Code: GCT
or call Hotel Directly and provide them with same code
Registration - May 1, 2021
Please fill out the Pre-Registration Form and COVID-19 Registration if you are attending.
COVID-19 Registration is required so we have a record of attendees for each session to be in compliance with State law.
Pre-Order Publications - May 7, 2021
*NEW* Friday Night Banquet Reservations- May 14, 2021
Buffet at The Promenade at Chowder Pot IV Friday Evening for $45/person
Please email your completed forms to HL Charlene Rowe at charrowe@snet.net
Grand Court Banquet Reservation Form
*NEW* Lunch Reservations - May 15, 2021
Grab & Go Lunches are available for Friday and Saturday of Grand Court.
Please email your completed forms to HL Charlene Rowe at charrowe@snet.net
Friday Grab & Go Lunch
Saturday Grab & Go Lunch